250hr CYT Style: Meditative Hatha Yoga

Certified Hatha Teacher Training 2014-2015

Margie Medina       250hr

Sabrina Martin       250hr

Emily Evangelista    250hr

Margie Matarazzo    250hr

Melissa Newman      250hr

Danielle Stoltz           250hr

Erin Ruggeiro


250hr CYT Style: Hatha Yoga

Certified Hatha Yoga Teachers 2021-2022

Anthony Gullo

250hr CYT Style: Meditative Hatha Yoga

Chris Carney 

Certified Hatha Yoga Teachers 2018-2019

Emily Evangelista


Deanna Denike


Caitlyn Adams 

Danielle Hunter               250hr  

Shannon Younghans      250hr  

Jenn Palmer                     100hr

Brianna Favro                  250hr

Certified Hatha Yoga Teachers 2022-2023

Our Yoga Teachers & their Yoga Offering Day

Shannon Younghans

​Thursdays & Sundays

Margie Matarazzo


Certified Hatha Teacher Training 2016-2017


Valerie Elizabeth

Certified Hatha Yoga Teachers 2017-2018


Danielle Joy

Wednesdays & Saturdays


​Erin Ruggiero


Diane Kirk

Paul Flanagan

Laurie Mucklow

Deanna Michalovicz

Tori Mengel 

Lorean Murphy/Owner 

​Mondays - Fridays & Saturdays


+1. 267. 980. 5833  •  Get Directions

Megan Hollo                    250hr

A Community Yoga Center

Sabrina Martin

​ Tuesdays

Open Center Yoga is a community based Yoga Studio located in Historic Bristol Borough, PA.

 In 2009, Lorean opened the studio in hopes of building a space for the collective consciousness. Our classes are open to everyone and all levels! 
Lorean & all OCY trained teachers are here to help inspire you to recenter, become present and practice asana and meditation to rise from the mud. To channel the cessation of your mind, to build strength and flexibility in the body, and be open to you as the witness in loving awareness. 

Since our styles are diverse, we encourage you to try a variety of classes. 

Rates: $5-$25 walk in classes.

Free Veterans Classes

By Donation sessions. 
Plus, unlimited class passes!